Our Blog
Reopening| Our Covid-19 Prevention Measures
Hello mama & papa bears
We’re very excited to welcome your babies and toddlers back for more swimming and music fun. We want your child to have the most positive and fun experience. With Covid-19, your safety and wellbeing is our number one priority. Here are our Covid-19 prevention measures.
Cleaning and disinfection measures
- Bright and friendly facemasks are worn by all meeter greeters.
- Hand sanitisers/washing areas will be readily available.
- All areas/touch points of venues are cleaned regularly.
- Teaching equipment to be regularly disinfected in between classes.
- Buggies are not allowed inside venues to maintain floor hygiene.
- Dispose of any tissues, nappies or other rubbish items in the bins provided.
- Any items left behind will be disposed of by our team.
Personal hygiene measures
- Wash/sanitize your hands upon arrival and when leaving your class.
- Cover coughs and sneezes with the inside of your elbow or a tissue. Throw used tissues into the bin immediately and wash hands.
- No food or eating at classes or changing rooms.
- Shower before and after class at home, and not at the pool.
- Don’t use a venue water dispenser to refill your personal water bottle.
- Antibacterial wipes will be available in changing areas for you to wipe down your own changing area, if desired.
Social distancing measures
- Members should arrive no earlier than 10 mins before their class.
- Queue outside the pool/venue entrance at the 2m signs. Meeter greeters will guide you into the venue one at a time.
- Follow the one way system throughout the venue.
- Social distancing of 2m per person will be encouraged.
- Only one parent/carer per child allowed in class.
- No spectators allowed in class to reduce the group numbers.
- Bring one bag with you with changing items.
- Wear swimwear under clothes to the pool, where possible.
- Swim Cubs teachers will deliver lessons from the pool deck.
- Feed your baby milk after you leave the venue after your class.
- Make-up classes must pause to reduce class numbers.
Important Covid-19 prevention
Do not come to class if you feel unwell or have any symptoms of Covid-19, recently travelled abroad or been in recent close contact with someone who tested positive for Covid-19.
Covid-19 Symptom Checker
Covid-19 symptoms may include:
- Fever
- Dry cough
- Tiredness
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
- Aches and pains
- Sore throat
- Loss of taste and smell
- You can buy swimwear from our online shop . We can’t accept payment by cash at venues to avoid person to person contact.
- Collect swimwear at the front desk on arrival at the pool. Your meeter greeter will explain how to do this safely at the time.
- If you forget to bring your bear cub’s swim nappy to class, we can give you a new nappy at the pool, and send you a payment link by email. We regret that we cannot lend nappies for classes or take nappy returns.
Covid-19 Compliance Officer
Happy Cubs designated Covid-19 Compliance Officer is Jane Walker (owner and operations manager). Please contact us if you have any questions in relation to our Covid-19 Prevention Measures.
We took guidance from the Irish Government, Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC), World Health Organisation (WHO), The Health Service Executive (HSE), Swim Ireland (SI) and the Swimming Teachers Association (STA).
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