Our Ethos
Our child-led ethos
Our mission at Happy Cubs is to help you teach your bear cub life skills in fun way, ensuring they grow a lifetime love of each activity.
Gentle, child-led ethos
We know that every little bear cub is an individual. Happy Cubs classes are gentle and child-led. They’re all about having fun together, at your pace, ensuring your bear cub grows a lifetime love of swimming and music.
Learning philosophy
Our core philosophy is to teach your bear cub important life skills through play. This is the best learning environment for your little cub. Our aim is to ensure your bear cub has so much fun in our lessons that they can't wait to come back every week and keep progressing.
At Swim Cubs, with your help we will guide your baby and toddler through each lesson using developmentally appropriate songs, water play, games, colourful swim toys and gentle teaching techniques so your little cub is always happy in the water and learning important swimming and water safety skills. Your baby and toddler will get the best foundation to start them on their swimming adventure with us at Swim Cubs.
Our Music Cubs classes provide welcoming place for you and your bear cub to learn together through the magic of music. Each week will bring a variety of musical genres. There’s live music and songs to nurture your bear cub’s inner musician. Your bear cub will learn how to hold a beat and melodic rhythm through playing a mix of our developmentally appropriate instruments. We have classic tunes, colourful props, movement & fun. The goal is that when your bear cub is old enough (around 6 years old), they can choose their favourite instrument to learn to play. Meaning they’ll progress their musical knowledge further and continue to grow a love of music.
Our lessons are structured and progressive but we take great care in ensuring each activity and skill is adapted to suit your little cub's current physical, mental and emotional development.
Happy Cubs classes are all about teaching your bear cub life skills while having loads of fun. Classes are a gorgeous bonding time together.
Quality teachers
Your bear cub is in safe hands with our dedicated and knowledgeable teachers. Our teachers are passionate and care about giving your bear cub the best experience.
At Swim Cubs, our teachers are fully qualified swimming teachers and lifeguards.
Our Music Cubs teachers are experienced musicians who are passionate about passing on their love of music.
Everyone working on site for Happy Cubs is fully Garda vetted.
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