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Sensory Swim Cubs Classes

We know that all little bear cubs are different. We've created Sensory Swim Cubs for cubs with unique sensory needs. This class is perfect for autistic bear cubs, and bear cub's with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder, and other sensory needs.

Swim Cubs is an Autism Swim approved swim school. We have completed a specialised training programme which has equipped us with the knowledge, tools, skills and resources to effectively teach your bear cub how to be confident, safe & happy in the water.

  • Parent & child classes for age group 2 years - 4.5 years
  • Small classes with a maximum of four bear cubs per class
  • Private pool environment for a calm space to learn
  • Warm hydrotherapy pool
  • We use water therapy, visual aids and sensory swim toys to help your bear cub learn water safety, swimming skills, and most importantly, to grow a love of the water

Pool location

Enable Ireland hydrotherapy pool, Sandymount Ave, D4

Spring Term Bookings Open Soon

To view our class schedule and book your class, please click here

Our Sensory Swim Cubs classes takes place at 12:30pm on Sundays in Sandymount. Limited availability. Get in touch at for booking info or join our WAITLIST for term info. 

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Hydrotherapy Swimming Pool

Kept at a temperature of over 32 degrees so it is lovely and warm for your bear cub. This pool that is not open to the public during your lessons so the environment is fun, calm and private.

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There are plenty of car spaces around the facility.

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Changing Facilities

There are separate mama and papa bear changing rooms, as well as private changing rooms.  Warm showers are available.

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Family Viewing Area

There’s a designated family viewing area to the side of the pool.  It's hot on poolside so don't wear any winter woollies.

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Pool depth

The pool depth for your lesson will be 1.2 meters. All mama and papa bears’ feet will be planted firmly on the pool floor. You do not need to know how to swim to attend our lessons. ON INSTAGRAM